Eduix هو برنامج إدارة التعليم الشامل لإدارة وتمكين المؤسسات التعليمية (المدارس والجامعات) .

Eduix يساعد في جعل عملية التعليم ممتعة وسهلة. ، ويقدم مجموعة من التقارير المتقدمة لمسؤولي المؤسسة.

يوفر Eduix أحدث أدوات التكنولوجيا لتسهيل أداء العملية التعليمية لكل من الطالب والمعلم والفريق الإداري للمؤسسة.


Students Tuitions
Bus Tracking
Students Healthcare
Students Affairs
Students Referrals
Students ID Cards
Social Work
Students Accounts
Student Military Courses
Students Services
Academic Bylaw And Rules
Courses Management
Courses Registration
Academic Advising
Learning Management System
Grading & Control
Exams Schedule
Petty Cash
Employees Training
Employees Attendance
Employees Appraisals
Fleet Management
Legal Affairs
Course Attendance
Daily Attendance
Students Hostels
Call Center
Email Marketing
Phone Marketing




Eduix is an electronic system for management and empowerment of educational institutions (schools and universities), Eduix help to make the process of education enjoyable and easy., and provides a set of advanced reports to administrators of the institution. Eduix provides most recent technology tools to facilitate the performance of the educational process for both the student and the teacher and the administrative team of the institution.


 Full Admission Process

          Admission module allows you to receive admission applications, Ease of handling and Track detailed applicant information

 Customize admission stages and applicant parameters.

          Flexibility to configure of the applicant Stages and to meet the changing of acceptance processes , and customise applicants data parameters

 Fully Integrations with Tuitions Module

          Setup Posting Application Fees , Tuitions , Discounts to financial Module . and trigger this actions based on admission actions

 Online Admission

          The availability to open online admission and receive applications online with predefined requirements . and configure application open periods . and configure required fields .

 Online Placement Exams

          Allow Student to choose online time slots then make his placement exam online with automatic corrections options.

 Online Interview

          Allow student to schedule his Placement Interview time from predefined time slots .

 Acceptance parameters

          Controlling parameters of Accepting and Filtering applicants.

 Automate admission stages with financials module

          Setup Auto change for applicant stage based on payment action .

 Online Payment

          Allow Applicant to pay online

 Digital Archiving

          Easily Archive applicants files online

 ID Cards Printing

          Design applicant ID Cards and print bulk of cards , with just few clicks

 Applicants Transfer

          manage transfer from other educational institutions

 Applicants Location on Map

          Set Applicants location on map , to display all Applicants address visually on map .

 Applicants Accounts Management ( Students and Parents )

          Generate users accounts automatically to collaborate with applicants admission process to the end of acceptance stage

 Calculate acceptance age automatically

          Calculate acceptance age automatically based on date of birth

 Admission Requirements


 Automate Admission Stages


 Customize Online Applicant Steps


 Multiple Admission Periods



 Centralised accounting and billing procedures

          enables all accounting and billing functions from one page while simultaneously managing the academic requirements of the students and the administration. enable the running of all accounting and billing procedures without duplicating the efforts.

 Automate Assign Fees Or Discounts To Student

          Auto assign Tuitions , fees and discounts and scholarships based on pre set configurations.

 Auto Allocate For Receipts


 Fully Integrated with Admission Module

          Setup Posting Application Fees , Tuitions , Discounts to financial Module . and trigger this actions based on admission actions

 Automate Controlling Of Admission Stages

          Restrict scheduling placement exam upon payment.

 Fully Integrated with Grading Module

          Setup the percentage to hide results based on particular accounts payments status

 Fully Integrated With Course Registration Module


 Integration With Online Payment Gateways


 Control receiving payments

          Control the priority of receiving student payments in different accounts

 systematic regular mails

          Setup regular mails to be sent to students about any fees or remainings on time basis

 Full Reports

          Get Full Statistics and detailed Reports about students , accounts and academic periods

 Control Displayed Amounts To Students


Student Affairs

 Student Affairs

          facilitating reaching any student information such as registered courses , Schedule , grades and performance and printable yearly student cards .

 communications tools

          Easy to use communication tools to students , sending bulk emails , system notifications and sms messages to students .

  students and parents suggestions

          Receiving and replay students and parents suggestions and complains.

 Students documents

          Keep track Students delivery of documents

 Digital Archiving

          Easily Archive students files online

 Bulk Messaging

          Send Bulk ( Notification , SMS , Email ) Message to group of Students in just one click

 Students Announcements

          Post announcements for group of students to be displayed every time students visit the portal

 Leave Applications

          register of students Early Leave Applications

 Transfer management

          Transfer management from and to other educational institutions

 Students Locations on Map

          Set Students location on map , to display all Students address visually on map .

 Requests of Change Data

          Allow the Student to send an online change request for his data , and approve only verified data .

 Report Designer

          Design any data or statistics report , even if you don't have any design skills

 Educational Guardianships

          Keep Track Educational Guardianships details

 Student Portal


 Student Academic Path


 Social work

          Track social work cases and track performed actions against cases.

 Social Work Categories

          Customize Social Work Categories and work sections

 Schedule Social Work Actions

          Track performed actions against cases

 Social Worker

          Assign social worker to student or group of students

 Services Management

          allow institution to manage student services such as Transportation , Food and Housing .

 Define Services Fees

          Define Services and its fees , to be assigned to student automatically after subscription from service office.

 Delivery of Items

          Keep Track Delivery of services Items

 Post Complaints

          Students and parents can post complaints directly to the system.

 Define Messages Templates.

          Define Messages Templates to be sent to complainers easly.

 Complaint Reply

          Complains responsible can reply to complainrs directly through the system.

 Complaints forwarding.

          Complains could be forwarded to any person through the system , and their reply could be received otherwise. with option to attached the original messages or not.

 statistics of departments reply time average .

          system gives statistics about departments complains number and average they took to reply or resolve their complains.

 Students Clinic


 Students Periodical Medical Records


 Bus Tracking

          Allow administrators to manage and follow up on their vehicles and student distribution on buses via an electronic map

 Bus Tracking By Parent

          Allow parent to follow student arrival via auto map .

 Referral Creation And Tracking


 Student Information Integration


 Disciplinary Actions And Consequences


 Communication And Notification


 Reporting And Analytics


 Attendance Tracking


 Integration With Other Modules


Academic Bylaw And Rules

 Setup Of Divisions And Academic Programs

          Setting Academic Departments , Programs , Branches and Levels parameters .

 Multi Branches And Multi Programs

          availability to Separate Permissions of multi-branches and multi programs organizations for dedicated program or branch or for all programs

 Academic Departments

          Keep track of academic departments plans and activities

 Study Levels and/or Credit Hour System


 Academic Periods

          Control Academic Periods ( Years , Terms , Semesters , Quarters )

 Courses Management

          Setup prerequisites , fulfilments , pre-conditions , repetition of academic courses


 Easily Setup Schedule Sessions

          Control adding schedule sessions from one page using schedule view with clean display for the availability of rooms and instructors The Scheduling module significantly reduces the time spent creating complex class schedules. Multiple Simultaneous Insertion Of The Schedule Auto Detect overlapping of rooms and teachers.

 Multiple Simultaneous Insertion Of The Schedule

          the availability to insert the schedule from multiple users at the same times , with validating the availability of booking the same rooms and checking instructors overlapping

 Detect Overlapping

          Detect Teachers , Rooms and Students groups overlapping

 Import Schdule


 Auto Generate Schedule

          Auto Generate Schedule depends on study plan and predefined set of teacher restriction

 Buildings and rooms

          Configure Buildings and rooms and its maximum capacity

 students Grouping

          Controlling separating students into groups and sub-groups to meet students choices in courses.

 multiple schedule views

          multi display schedule views ( calendar - rooms - teachers ) which facilitate setting the schedule sessions online

 Course Groups


Course Registration

 Online Course Registration

          facilitates student's enrolment in the proper courses throughout the academic semester and year via registration Department or online registration .

 Regiser students Courses


 Controlling registration criteria

          Controlling registration criteria according to student informations or student history record integrated with institution academic plan .

 Controlling Registration Timing

          Controlling Add,Drop and withdraw timing in case of online registration .

 Waiting list

          Waiting list feature which facilitate to registration advisors to filter add courses requests .

 Course Offering


 Bulk Registration


 Different Registration Methods

          Enable or disable recording methods Bulk registration Registration for each student individually Online Student Registration (Self-Service)

 Multiple Mechanisms Of Registration

          You can choose the Mechanisms of choosing groups and sessions appears for students

 Multiple Student Online Registration Page Design

          You can set the online registration page for student . 1- table of all available course and options in one page . 2- drop down menu with only focus to registration course and info

 Auto Validate Of Registration

          The system will validate program and course requirements, prerequisites , maximum registration credit hours and overlapping

 Online Major/Minro Registration Request

          Student can choose his major/minor online , then supervisor accept his request

 Easily Handling registration requests

          Easily Accept , Reject Student registration requests

  Academic Advising

          Control all advising function of acceptance , monitor , review student information or historical records from one page with just few clicks

 All Registration And Academic Info In One Page


 Multiple Advising And Accept Methods


 CGPA Calculator

          CGPA Calculator easily let you know if students grade letter acquired , how the cgpa will be

 Student Academic Earning CHs Status

          Review Student Acquired Earned CHs and the required CHs

 Students GPA Progress Graph



 Online Learning Space

          Online space for instructors to communicate with students. to upload files , videos , presentations and create electronic pages .

 Online Activities

          Allow instructors to create online assignments , activities and exams online , with different auto corrections methods.

 Online Classes

          Make Conference between Students and Instructors Directly from the portal , without need to search or share room informations

 Automate Online Classes Recording

          Setup system to record sessions automatically and display the record in course page automatically for students not attend the class

 Question Bank

          This feature allows a teacher to create, preview, and edit questions in a database of question categories. The categories can be limited to being used on the site, course or quiz level.

Grading And Control

 Credit Hours Grading System

          Prompt Students via Credit Hours Grading System . Set The rules to promote students to next study plan according to required earned Credit Hours system

 Study Levels Grading System

          Prompt Students via Study Levels Grading System . Set The rules to promote students to next level according to predefined rules

 GPA Grading System

          allows organizations to set the rules of grading to calculate GPA

 Modular Grading System


 Easly insert and Import grades

          - Easly insert grades like excel sheet - import grades from Excel with full validation of correction of the grade , auto save and auto recalculate grade categories .

 Import Grades

          Grades may be imported as a CSV or XML file, or by pasting from a spreadsheet.

 Grading With Secret Number

          The ability to limit grader to set grades for hidden number of students .

 Direct Grading


 Integration with financial module

          Hide Grades according to financial dues

 Grades Statistics boundaries

          Easily Configure Grades Statistics boundaries and Extract set of list , summary and averages grades reports

 Approving Grades cycle

          set the grading process under workflow which reduce monitoring grades errors.

 Hide Grades

          Different options to Hide Grades for item or student or Courses

 Students grade Letters and Ranking Boundaries

          Configure Grading Letters and Scales and Students Ranking Boundaries , Grade letters which are symbols used to represent a range of grades.

 Certificates Designs

          Configure Multiple Certificates Designs to Print Modern Transcripts and Graph Cards for students .

 Generate Exam Committees

          Just with few clicks generate Exam Committees , Seat numbers and secret numbers Automatically according to your numbering setup

 Exams Schedule

          Setup group of students shared in same courses and easily insert exam schedule


 cataloging books , auto barcode serialization

          Library Module Allow cataloging books , auto barcode serialization supporting MAC records .

 Keep Track books circulation

          Controlling of books copies Circulation and check out days limits and overdue fees .

 Powerful search engine

          Easily Search with multiple parameters for bibliographies

 Student Portal

          Allow student to search books online ,and get information about book availability.


 Inventory Control

          Take control: Gain complete visibility of your stock levels, locations, and movement in real-time. Say goodbye to stockouts and excess inventory, leading to reduced costs and increased efficiency.

 Stock Transactions

          Track every move: Effortlessly record and monitor every stock transaction, from purchase to sale, ensuring accurate inventory data and streamlined accounting.

 Stock Valuation

          Know your worth: Always have accurate insights into the value of your inventory, empowering you to make informed decisions for cost optimization and profit maximization.

 Pricing And Discounts

          Set strategic prices: Easily manage and fine-tune your pricing strategies, including offering targeted discounts, to optimize sales and profitability.

 Reorder And Stock Alerts

          Never be caught off guard: Receive automated notifications when stock levels reach predefined thresholds, ensuring you have enough inventory to meet demand and avoid stockouts.

 Batch And Serial Number Tracking

          Traceability at your fingertips: Track individual items or groups of products throughout your entire supply chain, enhancing quality control, product recalls, and customer satisfaction.

 Inventory Reports

          Data-driven insights: Generate comprehensive reports on your inventory performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions on procurement, pricing, and resource allocation.

 Integration With Other Modules

          Seamless collaboration: Integrate your inventory control with other modules like sales, purchasing, and accounting for a unified and efficient system, eliminating data silos and errors.

 Barcoding And RFID Integration

          Automate and streamline: Enhance data accuracy and efficiency by integrating barcode scanners and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to automate inventory processes.

 Stock Movement Workflow

          Streamline your operations: Define and automate workflows for various stock movements, such as receiving, picking, packing, and shipping, leading to increased efficiency and reduced errors.

 Material Issue Control

          Tighten your grip: Control the issuance of materials for production or other purposes, ensuring proper usage and preventing unauthorized access, optimizing resource utilization and cost control.


 Different Workflow Methods For The Purchasing Unit

          You can enter the purchasing unit in different ways to suit the way your organization works, or use a group of methods at the same time. For example You can start with purchase requests , then supplier offers, then create a Purchase Order (PO) , then receive the goods (GRN), then invoicing Meanwhile, you can start from purchase orders directly , Purchase Order (PO), then a receival note (GRN) and then a Supplier Invoice . Meanwhile, you can start direct invoicing so that the electronic system creates purchase and receipt orders automatically If you do a Direct Supplier Invoice, all these stages will be performed in the background.

 Vendor Management

          Simplify sourcing: Build and maintain a centralized database of qualified vendors, streamlining the process of finding and selecting the best suppliers for your needs.

 Purchase Order Management

          Effortless ordering: Create, track, and manage purchase orders efficiently, ensuring timely deliveries and accurate cost control.

 Purchased Goods Receiving

          The warehouse administrator can receive the goods on the purchase order from the Receive button next to the purchase order. He can also return from the same button by changing the transaction type to return.

 Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)

          Forge stronger partnerships: Foster positive relationships with your suppliers through collaborative communication, improved transparency, and streamlined processes.

 Budgeting And Cost Control

          Stay within budget: Set purchasing budgets and track expenses meticulously, ensuring you stay on track and maximize return on investment.

 Procurement Analytics

          Gain valuable insights: Analyze your purchasing data to identify trends, optimize spending patterns, and make data-driven decisions for cost savings and improved efficiency.

 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

          Automate and streamline: Automate communication and data exchange with your suppliers electronically, eliminating manual processes and reducing errors.

 Requisition Management

          Streamline internal requests: Efficiently manage internal requests for materials or services, ensuring transparency and timely fulfillment.

 Supplier Portal

          Empower your partners: Provide your suppliers with a secure self-service portal, allowing them to track orders, submit invoices, and access relevant information, fostering better collaboration.

 Compliance And Risk Management

          Mitigate risks: Reduce risks associated with non-compliance by ensuring your procurement processes adhere to regulations and internal policies.

 Contract Management

          Streamlined agreements: Create, manage, and track contracts with vendors electronically, ensuring smooth collaboration and adherence to agreed-upon terms.

 Invoice Management

          Effortless processing: Automate invoice processing, from receipt to approval and payment, ensuring timely payments and accurate financial records.

 Simple Direct Invoice

          You can skip purchase orders and create an invoice directly, as the electronic system will automatically create the purchase and receipt order. This will be particularly useful in the case of purchases made quickly without a purchasing department. It will also be useful in institutions that do not have a purchasing department or warehouses.

 Audit Trail And Document Management

          Store And Manage Purchasing Documents Electronically For Easy Access And Retrieval.

 Purchase Tenders

          Establishing purchase tenders, compare propositions. Choose the best offer and send purchase orders easily

General Ledger

 Full Accounting Setup

          Control Chart of accounts and Open general ledger accounts, account classes and groups

 Financial Budget

          - Measure your actual financial performance against the planned one - Track your planned expenses monthly and yearly.

 Closes the fiscal year and brings forward retained earnings

          Closes the fiscal year controling all system transactions

 Multiple Accounting Dimensions

          Multiple level of Dimensions could be: Departments, Cost Centres or Projects

 Legal Statements

          Profit & Loss , Cash flow statement , General ledger , Advanced Taxes Management , Consolidated Journal Report , Balance Sheet , Tax reports , Country-specific statements , Tax Audit Report

 Aged receivable balance

          The receivable report gives you a clear overview of overdue payments.

 customer statements

          Get clear reports on customer statements and navigate easily through the documents to understand every customer use case.

 Forecast expenses

          Get a clear forecast of your future bills to pay.

 outstanding payments

          Get partial and full reconciliation proposition directly from the invoice or the bank statement.

 Multi Branches

          Get all your subbranches integrated in the same system with consolidation reports in real time.

 Multi-currency support

          Get your currencies rate updated automatically every day.

 cost accounts

          your analytic accounts based on projects, contracts, departments


          Manage subscription and Automate recurring invoices, payments and renewal alerts.

 Subscriptions Renewal alerts

          get automated alerts when contracts have to be renewed.

 Deposits and payments management

          Support multiple payments for one invoice, cash discounts, advance invoice and partial reconciliations.

 Cash flows

          Monitor cash register adjustments and easily verify cash contents at the end of the day.

 Automated follow-ups

          follow-ups by emails,letters and assign tasks automatically to ease your credit collection process

 Automate Payments terms

          auto schedule of customers payments based on predefined setup

 Multiple Payment methods

          Cash, checks, and credit card payment methods are available.

 Online Payments

          Integration with banks API ,to allow you receive online payments with ( Credit Cards , Visa , etc )

 Bank Reconciliation

          Prepare bank accounts reconciliation : Get reconciliation propositions automatically , Interface for manual reconciliations, for both open and paid invoices.

 Bank Account Management

          Effortlessly manage your finances: Gain complete control over your bank accounts, track transactions, reconcile statements, and automate recurring payments, saving you time and ensuring financial accuracy.

 Receivable And Payable Notes

          receivable and payable notes are financial documents used to track and manage accounts receivable and accounts payable processes. Receivable Notes: These are documents generated by a company to record the amount owed to them by customers or clients. When a sale is made on credit, meaning the customer doesn't pay immediately but will pay at a later date, a receivable note is created to document the transaction. It typically includes details such as the customer's name, the amount owed, the due date, and any terms or conditions of the sale. Payable Notes: These are documents generated to record the amount owed by the company to its suppliers or vendors. When a company purchases goods or services on credit, meaning they don't pay immediately but will pay at a later date, a payable note is created to document the transaction. It includes details such as the supplier/vendor name, the amount owed, the due date, and any terms or conditions of the purchase.

 Cash Management

          Optimize your cash flow: Streamline your cash management processes, monitor cash inflows and outflows, and make informed decisions about your cash reserves, ensuring your business has the liquidity it needs to thrive.

 Payment Processing

          Simplify and secure your payment processing: Accept and manage payments efficiently through various channels, including online payments, credit cards, and bank transfers, with robust security measures to protect your financial data.

 Reporting And Analytics


 Setup GST/VAT on Customer and Items basis.

          Setup GST/VAT can be selected on Customer and Items basis.


 Easily maintain employees data

          From One page , easily update and extract all employees data in just few clicks.

 Organization Chart

          Setup , draw and customize you organization chart , to easily link employees to your particular organization chart ( Departments , Sectors , Sections ,work locations , etcetera )

 Employee Contracts

          Keep Track of employees Contracts and get alert of renewal dates

 Employees Documents

          Keep track employees delivery of documents

 Employees Locations on Map

          Set employee location on map , to display all employees address visually on map .

 Calculate age of retirement automatically

          Calculate age of retirement automatically based on date of birth

 Staff Announcements

          Set Announcements to all or some employees to see the announcement every time they visit the app

 Bulk Messaging

          Send Bulk ( Notification , SMS , Email ) Message to group of employees in just one click

 Employees File digital Archiving

          Easily upload employee digital files

 Report Designer

          easily Design any data or statistics report , even if you don't have any design skills

 Employee Portal

          Allow employee to display attendance sheet and some payroll slip components . also employee can submit leave application request from his portal .

 Employee Requests to Change Data

          Allow the employee to send an online change request for his data , and approve only verified data .

 Employee Exit management

          track the cycle of employee leaving , exit interview , reasons and collect feedback

 Employees Investigations

          Keep Track of Employees investigations and its Consequences

 Control Of Timetables

          Timetables Management in time basis or shift bases - One of power of system is shift timetables which can handle employees does not have fixed attend and leave time. - Set rules of employees , late and leaving early and overtime .

 Attendance Machines integration

          Grab attendance logs from attendance machines directly in just one click , also set predefined times to get attendance logs from Attendance Machines automatically .

 Online leave requests

          Allow employees to submit leave requests Online and go through predefined leave approving cycle steps

 Automate Leave Approving Cycles

          You can define how leave requests will go through workflow to be approved.

 Automate Leave Application Validation

          Setup the rules of maximum and minimum numbers and durations that employees allowed to get his leave for each leave type.

 Holiday Lists

          Create List of holidays to effect all attached employees with just one click

 Import Attendance Logs

          Import attendance sheets with just few clicks

 Add attendance manually for group of employees

          Can choose group of employees according to departments , sections ... etc . then assign attend or leave time.

 Employees Leave Types setup and limitations Setup

          Setup and Customize Leave Types and its effect s and its uses limitations with fixed limitations and balance limitation .

 Attendance Sheets And Reports


 Sales Men Provision Integration

          Add sales men Provisions directly to your formula calculation

 Multiple Payroll Salary Structures

          Register Multiple Salary Structure with different rules and calculation methods

 Multiple Register For The Employee In Many Structures

          the ability to register the employee any different structures in the same time

 Automate payroll components calculation

          Write the formula of calculation,and easily use the custom components code inside it , and easily write conditions formulas of calculations

 Payroll and Attendance Integration

          Easily use simple codes to retrieve attendance calculations inside your formula calculations

 Payroll Salary Components

          Setup And Customize salary names and codes and defined which is it calculated or fixed or temporal

 Temporal Components

          Temporal Components means components that assigned for employee in specific period ,to be applied to the employee in the approved period that have this assigned components

 Employees Loans

          Easily register Employees Loans and use in inside your calculations formula

 Payroll Approve Cycle

          Automate the cycle of approving payroll structures

 Salary Adjustment

          Easily increase all structure employees salaries in a percentage or value , and keep track of each employee's adjustments

 Full Payroll Reports

          Print and Extract payroll sheet , total payroll sheets and all employees salary slips and more in just one click .

 Full Recruitment Cycle

          Starting from job request , recruitment plans validation , job opening , job applicants and comparing applicants .

 recruitment plan

          Prepare departments recruitment plans .

 Automate Department Job Request Approving Cycle

          Allow Departments to request job online using the app and setup an approving cycle to go through .

 Open Online Job Vacancies

          Open and close job vacancies to submitted online

 Applicants Interview

          Schedule Multiple Interviews Types per Opening jobs , and allow interviewers to submit the results online via the app

 Job Applicants Skills Matrix

          app auto generate skills matrix between job required skills and applicants skills , ans system calculate automatically skills average to easily compare and choose between job applicants

 Send Offer Letters Via the App

          Send Offer Letters of the Applicants Via the App by email

 Automate Acceptance Approval

          Setup Approving Cycle to accept job applicants

 Employees Appraisals KPI's

          Setup Appraisals KPI's , to get real statistics and factors for employees appraisal

 Publish Employees Appraisals Online

          Publish Appraisal Online for head of departments and employees to submit the question online and to get Appraisals report with just few clicks

 Schedule Employees Trainings

          Schedule Employees Trainings and list attendees list

 Employees Training Attendance

          Take Employees Training Attendance , and get training feedbacks and recommendations


 Asset Tracking

          Barcode/QR Code Integration: Assets can be labeled with unique barcodes or QR codes for easy tracking. Asset Identification: Detailed information about each asset, such as serial number, purchase date, and location, can be recorded for identification.

 Depreciation Management

          Multiple Depreciation Methods: The module supports various depreciation methods such as straight-line, declining balance, or units of production. Automated Depreciation Calculation: Calculates depreciation automatically based on predefined methods and asset values.

 Maintenance Scheduling And Tracking

          Preventive Maintenance: Enables scheduling and tracking of routine maintenance tasks to prolong asset lifespan. Maintenance History: Records maintenance history, including dates, costs, and performed tasks.

 Asset Disposal

          Disposal Management: Handles the process of retiring or selling assets, including necessary documentation. Gain/Loss Calculation: Calculates gain or loss on asset disposal for financial reporting purposes.

 Integration With Financials

          General Ledger Integration: Links asset transactions with the general ledger for accurate financial reporting. Budgeting: Helps in budgeting for asset acquisitions, disposals, and maintenance.

 Compliance And Reporting

          Compliance Checks: Ensures assets adhere to legal and regulatory compliance requirements. Reporting: Generates reports on asset utilization, depreciation, maintenance costs, and more for analysis and decision-making.

 Integration With Procurement And Inventory

          Purchase Order Integration: Links assets to purchase orders, facilitating seamless procurement processes. Inventory Management: Manages spare parts and inventory associated with assets.

 Asset Performance Analysis

          Performance Metrics: Tracks asset performance metrics, such as uptime, downtime, and utilization, for performance analysis.

 Lease Management (for Leased Assets)

          Lease Agreement Management: Manages lease agreements, lease terms, and related financial transactions.

Fleet Management

Legal Affairs

 Case Management


 Document Management


 Contract Management


 Compliance Tracking


 Risk Management


 Litigation Support


 Legal Research


 Time And Expense Tracking


 Billing And Invoicing


 Reporting And Analytics


Students Attendance

 Students Attendance

          Easily Register Attendance Daily or pers session

 Automate absence notifications

          Send absent notification according to setup policy

 Students Attendance Reports And Statistics

          Generate attendance detailed and statistics reports per student / group / level / course

 Generate All Period Attendance Sessions

          Create attendance for a period (semester, year...) by clicking on the Create button and filling out the information guide

 Automate Absence Notifications

          Send absent notification according to setup policy

 Bulk Taking Attendance


 Taking Attendance Via QR Code


 Attendance Machines


 Attendance Server Hock


Students Hostels


 Website Builder

          Create a beautiful and functional website without coding knowledge using drag-and-drop tools and pre-built templates.

 Content Management System (CMS)

          Easily manage and update website content, including text, images, and videos, to keep your website fresh and engaging.

 Mobile-Responsive Design

          Ensure your website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, providing a seamless user experience on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

 SEO Optimization Tools

          Improve your website's search engine ranking with built-in tools and functionalities to optimize content and meta descriptions for better visibility.

 Website Analytics And Reporting

          Gain valuable insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates to understand how visitors interact with your website and make data-driven decisions for improvement.

Call Center

 Multi-channel Call Handling

          Manage incoming and outgoing calls, emails, and chat messages from a centralized platform, streamlining communication and agent efficiency.

 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)

          Route incoming calls to the most suitable agent based on pre-defined rules, such as skills, availability, and workload, ensuring faster call resolution and improved customer experience.

 Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

          Utilize automated menus to direct callers to the appropriate department or self-service options, reducing wait times and improving call center efficiency.

 Call Recording And Monitoring

          Record calls for quality assurance, training purposes, and dispute resolution. Monitor live calls in real-time to coach agents and ensure adherence to best practices.

 Detailed Call Reporting And Analytics

          Track key call center metrics like call volume, average handle time (AHT), first call resolution (FCR) rate, and agent performance to identify areas for improvement and optimize call center operations.

 Integration With CRM

          Synchronize call data with your CRM system to gain a holistic view of customer interactions, improve customer service, and upsell or cross-sell relevant products or services.

 Issabel Server Integration

          Leverage the functionalities of Issabel server for call routing, call recording, and PBX management within your web ERP call center module, creating a centralized and efficient communication hub.


 Customer Relationship Management

          Centralized customer data: Consolidate all customer information in one central location, including contact details, interaction history, and purchase behavior. Enhanced communication: Foster stronger relationships with your customers by facilitating personalized and effective communication through various channels.

 Sales Pipeline Management

          Track and manage your sales pipeline: Visualize your sales process, track the progress of leads and opportunities, and identify potential bottlenecks for improved conversion rates. Automated follow-up: Automate tasks like email follow-ups and reminders to ensure timely engagement with potential customers and maximize sales opportunities.

  Marketing Automation

          Targeted campaigns: Design and launch targeted marketing campaigns based on customer data and preferences, leading to increased engagement and ROI. Automated workflows: Automate marketing tasks like email marketing, social media posting, and lead nurturing to save time and resources.

 Customer Service Management

          Efficient case management: Track and resolve customer issues efficiently through a centralized ticketing system, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Knowledge base access: Empower your customer service team with a centralized knowledge base to resolve customer inquiries quickly and effectively.

  Reporting And Analytics

          Data-driven insights: Generate reports and analyze key metrics such as customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, and sales performance, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your marketing and sales strategies.

Email Marketing

 Effortless Campaign Creation

          Drag-and-drop simplicity: Design stunning and engaging emails visually, even without coding expertise. Build professional layouts with ease using pre-built templates or customize them to match your brand identity.

 Targeted Audience Segmentation

          Reach the right people: Craft personalized campaigns that resonate with specific demographics or interests. Create targeted segments based on purchase history, website behavior, or other relevant data to maximize engagement and conversion rates.

 Automated Workflows

          Set it and forget it: Automate email sequences based on user actions, like cart abandonment or new customer welcome messages. Save time and personalize the customer journey with automated drip campaigns.

 Powerful A/B Testing

          Optimize for success: Test different subject lines, email layouts, and calls to action to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing helps you refine your approach and maximize campaign performance.

 Real-time Analytics And Reporting

          Measure your impact: Gain valuable insights into your email campaigns' performance with detailed reports. Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to understand what's working and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

 Seamless Integration With Other Modules

          Unify your customer experience: Integrate your email marketing with other modules like CRM and sales to personalize campaigns further and gain a holistic view of customer interactions.

 Advanced Personalization

          Go beyond the name: Personalize emails with more than just names. Use dynamic content to tailor greetings, product recommendations, and offers based on individual customer preferences and history

 Easy Collaboration

          Work together efficiently: Collaborate with your team on email creation, scheduling, and approval processes, streamlining communication and ensuring a consistent brand experience.

Phone Marketing

 Predictive Dialing

          Automate outbound calls to qualified leads, increasing call efficiency and agent productivity.

 Real-time Call Monitoring

          Coach agents in real-time, improve call quality, and ensure adherence to scripts for consistent messaging.

 Multi-channel Lead Capture

          Capture leads from phone calls, emails, and website forms in a centralized location for streamlined follow-up.

 Detailed Call Reporting And Analytics

          Track call performance metrics like call duration, call recording access, and conversion rates to identify areas for improvement.


 Centralized Ticketing System

          Manage all your ticketing needs in one place, from creating events and managing ticket sales to issuing tickets and tracking attendee information.

 Online Ticketing And Sales

          Offer a convenient way for customers to purchase tickets online, increasing accessibility and sales.

 Mobile Ticketing

          Issue and manage tickets on mobile devices, allowing attendees to access tickets easily and enhancing the event experience.

 Reporting And Analytics

          Track ticket sales, analyze attendance data, and generate reports to gain insights into event performance and make informed decisions for future events.